2022 Indie Game


Skylost is a 3D open-world exploration and crafting game where you climb and glide your way through dangerous floating islands in search of your lost love Amelia.

About the Project

As one of the 8 selected student games for the 2021-2022 annual USC Advanced Game Project, Skylost was developed by a team of 30 students across the Game School, Engineering School, Art School, and Music School during the span of a year.

The game was showcased at USC Games Expo 2022 as one of the highlight student projects.

About My Role

As the Art Director of Skylost, my responsibilities included:

  • led and managed 10 artists including concept artists, 3D artists, level artists, animators, and UI artists

  • created original concept art and storyboards to visualize the director’s ideas

  • oversaw the art department’s pipeline and created detailed art-direction documents (including paint-overs) to guide the artists

  • worked closely with other departments’ leads (engineering, design, narrative, music) to adjust the art to fit with the rest of the game

Showcase of My Work